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How to become a beautiful women.
Face is the one most important part of the women body. and you can make it beautiful by taking some small actions, some of them are listed below.
Sparkling eyes
Sparkling, beautiful eyes are the best assets a woman can have. Do take time to cater to the special care that eyes need regularly.
Eat enough of Vitamin A and C. Take special care in the choice of eye make-up. Don't use make-up that can irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and don't neglect a check-up on a regular basis.
Tips 1:
Soak 1 tspn dry Gooseberry powder in a cup of water overnight. Strain this in the morning and add 1 cup of plain water to this. Splash the eyes with this or wash them with the help of an eyecup.
Tips 2:
Dip a pad of cotton wool in some Rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor oil is added. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids and relax for 15-20 minutes.
Tips 3:
Splash the eyes with a weak tea solution, thoroughly strained and cooled.
Tips 4:
Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution and placed on the eyelids whilst relaxing.

Shape up your lips
Lining your lips is important for creating plump, noticeable lips. We'll share our lip lining technique that's as easy as 1-2-3! Learn about how to put on lipstick.
perfecting your pout
What effect are you looking to achieve? Creamy? Sheer? Glossy? We'll show how to perfect your pout! smooth, soft, and supple
Attractive lips are soft and supple, so keep your lips smooth! The key is the right balance of care and conditioning.

Creating a natural, rosy radiance
When applying blush, you want the color to look soft and natural, as if it comes from within. Read below for tips on how to put on make-up.
1. Tap or lightly blow on the applicator brush to remove any excess blush before applying to prevent a harsh and uneven application.
2. Apply your blush on the apple of the cheek and carefully blend towards your natural hairline.
3. If you have two shades, apply the darker one on the apple of the cheek first, then use the lighter shade to highlight. Blend well so there is no visible line between colors.
4. Highlight your temples, forehead and chin.
►Tip: To know "where to glow" bend over for 30 seconds, then slowly stand up. Where your cheeks are flushed is where you are meant to blush. Apply your blush there and it will be naturally rosy every time.
►Tip: Cheek color should be used to enhance your complexion, not to change your natural skin tone. Use sparingly for daytime, then add more or a deeper shade for a more dramatic nighttime effect. For special occasions, dust a lightly frosted powder over your cheekbones for a subtle but alluring glow.
►Tip: Make sure to blend your blush into your foundation well or it will tend to look unnatural and add the appearance of 5 years to your looks.

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